Reflections of Generation X

Hey, I hope everyone had a wonderful Father’s Day!

I should probably get my ducks in a row by preparing timely holiday posts, but I’m too busy celebrating with my family and am apparently not great at planning ahead. We had a nice time swimming and eating a good meal with my folks, at any rate.

Watching my kids with their grandparents got me thinking about the different childhoods we various generations have had. My folks are Baby Boomers, the young adults currently dominating the scene are Millennials, of course, and my kids will be part of some generation that doesn’t even have a name yet. You know, the one soon to be characterized by all their robot friends or teleportation skills or whatever.

crawford_lang1And me? I’m late Generation X (the “whatever” should’ve clued you in). We used to be all the rage, back when we were waiting to see if Winona Ryder would pick Ethan Hawke or Ben Stiller before rocking out to Nirvana while wearing our long-sleeved plaid shirts and brown lipstick.

We gave you cynicism, MTV, Rap and Grunge Rock (it was a backlash against those flashy 80’s. Plus, we had AIDS & crack epidemics on our hands and all watched the much-hyped Challenger explode when we were little kids).

We questioned the American Dream and debated all existing philosophies without worrying much about PC language, beyond a few obvious terms (we just turned everything into sarcasm and irony if someone got annoyed). We figured we had the racism deal mostly licked by the time The Cosby Show came out (oh, how different that seems in retrospect) and sexism practically beat with Title IX and Puritanism was clearly on the wane since Bart Simpson started swearing in family cartoons (that’s right, folks. You so wouldn’t have Family Guy and Robot Chicken if it weren’t for us. Honestly, I can’t believe The Simpsons is still on TV).

See, Gen Xer’s are young enough to have been introduced to email, smart phones, and the internet relatively early, (early enough to master them without frequent bouts of cranky belligerence, at least) while still old enough to remember what growing up without them was like.

And lately, I’ve been thinking about how they made life different, for better or worse:

Video Games

I’m… ahem… old enough to barely remember when playing a video game meant loading a tape for 45 minutes then smacking pixelated squares around with a joystick. Or dumping quarters into an arcade while avoiding the much older, friendlier men.

I can actually remember trying to sort out Zork commands. Those games always had long, tedious maze sections.

And I also remember when hitting a snag in a game meant possibly never finishing the game. I got stuck in one that doesn’t exist anymore while trying to get my rich family to travel back in time to their medieval selves, hoping for the chance to type in the “sneer” command. I hit this puzzle that I couldn’t solve and still don’t know how that story ended.

You couldn’t look up walkthroughs. You would just sit there, stuck, unable to finish your game and running to the nearest comic book store to find whatever local nerd you figured had the best chance of having figured it out.

I played Sim City back when it was a bunch of red and yellow rectangles and Age of Empires, back when it was just minuscule cave men saying, “Rooooooh-gan!” before cutting down a tree. I remember when Castle Wolfenstein was a bunch of stick figures shouting angry German amidst the hiss of walkie-talkies (surprisingly terrifying at the time) and when Doom began setting the standards for awesome graphics and superficial, blow-everything-up game play.

And now… well… I still love video games and modern graphics make the ones I grew up playing look like something a drunk toddler worked out on an Etch-o-Sketch, but we did have elaborate stories and had to mentally fill out those stick figures with our wild imaginations. We also didn’t have those massive multiplayer online role-playing games that now suck up years of people’s lives with their thin storylines and continuously-regenerating VI opponents that make you button-mash like a laboratory chimp jonesing for its next cocaine hit until it starts peeing itself and finally forgets to mate or eat.

So… there’s that.

Plus, we’re now seeing a strange return to those earlier simplistic games with FarmVille and similar phone apps, now combined with the addictive qualities of MMORPG’s. Hey, it doesn’t really matter if your pumpkin crop fails, people. Get on with your life (and get off my lawn).

Smart phones

Yeah, they were pretty goofy.

For a while, when I was growing up, personal phones were around but not something most people had access to. They were really popular in Italy and we all found that really funny (Psh, those crazy Italians and their crazy cell phones and wild hand gestures and protection rackets).

They were also roughly shaped like a shoebox and cost a ton of money to use, so only businessmen were using them to make sure everyone knew that their time was really that important and those guys were probably also shelling out for those exorbitant plane phones while flying Business Class or getting their suits tailored or otherwise worshipping at the altar of Ayn Rand.

But normal people had landlines. If you wanted to showcase your whimsical, Bohemian self, you’d get something like a hamburger-shaped phone (Hell, I remember when cordless phones were a big deal because they’d you let you walk outside a two-foot radius).

People couldn’t contact you outside your house. Sure, we had answering machines so you’d find out if someone called, but you wouldn’t know about it before you came home (and you could be on vacation). You could feasibly put off calling someone back for several days, because you hadn’t had a chance to check your messages.

On the one hand, texting is really convenient. You can reach anyone, anywhere, at any time.

On the other, now anyone can reach you, anywhere, at any time. They now expect you to get back to them right away, or else they’ll be mad. There’s no excuse, because you’re wearing your phone at all times, or should be. You can never totally escape into the activities of the present moment, because in a way, you’re always leashed to a device that keeps you perpetually “on call.”

And you can’t heighten romantic tension anymore by making your significant other think you’re running around having an awesome time, innocently oblivious to all of their attempts to contact you. Now, you’re just ignoring them, which is rude. It used to be much easier to remain mysterious.

But I sure wish I had Google maps back in college because it would saved me from so many crying jags on L.A. freeways. Thomas Guides were absolute crap.

Downloadable media

It was once much harder to get your hands on entertainment. You had to buy compact discs for $16, so they’d better be worth it. You either had to catch shows when they were on or make sure you programmed your VCR correctly, and also that no one accidentally taped over your show, because once you missed it, you could be waiting years for it to come back on. If ever.

However, there used to be more comedy scenarios about people you wanted to impress catching you picking up embarrassing films.

If you wanted to see a movie, you’d drive to Blockbuster Video. You could rent movies for just a dollar, but they’d triple in price if you returned them thirty seconds after 8 PM the next day. For some reason, your rental bill always ended up being $8, which was roughy the same price as a couple of fast-food dinners, so renting several movies meant having to order fewer pizzas that month.

It’s a bizarre equation, but trust me… that’s how it was.

It’s nice to be able to instantly access whatever you’re interested in without having to rearrange your schedule. But on the other hand, we probably watched less TV and spent more time outside, doing stuff during which no one could contact us without getting into a car and finding us.

We also had fewer channels, which means we couldn’t as easily live in the polarized political echo-chambers people live in today, with internet sites, news channels, and Facebook groups completely devoted to upholding whatever one-sided world views we’re aligning with. We tended to argue more face-to-face.

The Internet

It’s pretty great to access whatever information we want, across international borders, within a minute or two. You can fall into rabbit-holes of infotainment that you once had to tackle walls of library microfiche to navigate.

We can also fact-check more easily now. If someone warns you about the guys at the Walmart parking lot knocking unsuspecting women out with chloroform disguised as perfume samples, it now takes 30 seconds to debunk the idea on, whereas it used to remain an unconfirmed rumor, forever.

So you’d think people would get less paranoid, right? Except now we have entire websites devoted to whatever whackadoodle conspiracies people take as Gospel Truth, so I’m not sure.

Today, anyone can also write anything on the internet and get lots of attention for it. I don’t think we had as much of a troll culture back in the 90’s. We spoke much more earnestly back then.

trollNow, it’s hard to tell if someone’s a jerk or just trying to get a rise out of people, which inherently casts doubt upon any unconventional opinion. If you start taking on someone’s nasty argument, you get worried about becoming the sap that’s playing into some obnoxious troll’s hands, so we now hear increasingly crazy, unchallenged opinions on a regular basis that go half-ignored by most because we’re unsure of how to best distinguish idiocy from narcissism.

Maybe that’s why people seem more outraged these days… they have to convince everyone that they really, really mean it.

So, any other Gen-Xer’s out there who want to weigh in on what I’ve been saying? How about some Boomers or Millennials?

Or even the Greatest Generation, if you guys are actually perusing blogs right now instead of discussing the mechanics of WWII planes. I’d love to hear your insights as well, since you guys definitely have the long view in this equation.





18 thoughts on “Reflections of Generation X

    1. Thanks! I had fun delving into my own mind castle of memories for that one.

      That’s interesting about people 65+ watching more TV. I’m guessing that’s because they’re retired and less active?

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh so much nostalgia. I remember us kids (my brother and sisters) had our own land line. Getting the recording on the message that people would hear when they called us just right was a BIG thing.

    As far as the outrage? Oh man it gets me. It really does. I always thought most of the people only had balls behind their keyboards and wouldn’t say those things to someone’s face. It really bothers me how comfortable people are with being terrible to people they don’t even know, even if it is online.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Having your own line was a big deal and meant someone probably wouldn’t secretly listen in and you wouldn’t miss calls from your friends because someone was tying up the phone!

      I forgot about what a big deal the answering messages were! Remember the celebrity ones you could buy? The worst was when someone left a looooooong cute message and made everyone in the family say something, including the dog, lol.

      All that internet trolling feels like road rage except you can also say horrible things and there are so many people out there who do it for kicks. Apparently, some people actually make a living that way. It’s an entire art form.

      I can’t help wondering if the troll arms race is desensitizing people. Yet at the same time, it’s so easy to offend people now. So strange…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha yes! I forgot about the celebrity and ENTIRE family ones.

        I think I am desensitized by it for sure . . . but am accidentally offending people all the time . . .yeah you are right. So strange!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Baby boomer here. No TV until I was 14 and that was black and white and one channel only. I did, however, struggle to see a picture of the Coronation in 1953, gathered round the one and only 9 inch screen in the neighbourhood. All I saw was a distant flicker.

    First home telephones were party lines in that the line was shared between 2 homes. You had to check that the line was free before trying to make a call. If you picked up the handset quietly you could listen in!!!!

    Move on to 1967 when I was in Bahrain, in the army. We could book a telephone call once a month, 15 minutes slot, via radiotelephone. If the link was down then the call was lost. There was always a delay on the line so it was all echoey and you had to use radio procedure (to say “over” when you had finished and expected an answer, for example).

    My first computer cost £1,300 and had less memory and storage than a housefly!

    I went through 78rpm records, 33’s, and 45’s, Reel to Reel tapes, cassette tapes, VHS, CD, DVD, HDD, 8mm movie film, 35mm film, now I sit with a MacBook on my lap that has more memory than I need, a battery that lasts all day, makes no sound at all, uploads and downloads without me needing to do anything. I take out a camera and it downloads all pictures as soon a I get within 100yards of the house.

    ………and I try not to complain, or jump on bandwagons, or blame the youth of today for anything. But that generation X lot!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, psh, those guys… lol 😂

      I think you just cleared up the confusion I had about a Doris Day movie I saw many years ago. Something about her overhearing her neighbors’ phone conversations and the hi jinx that ensued…

      I can’t imagine being able to listen in on everyone’s phone calls, but weirdly, we’re nearly back to that (since people talk on cell phones publicly).

      Whew, even I remember when computers were soooo different. I had to type in long string DOS commands to pull up word processing programs and do you remember how old printer paper always had those detachable side-tabs of holes (so it would track through the printer) and we’d have to tear them off all of the sheets?

      Course, my family was techno-forward for having a computer as long ago as they did, even though it was a giant box that weighed a ton and didn’t have many features.

      I would’ve never imagined having thin laptops that sent words wirelessly and played movies, either. Still, classic tv shows we’re thinking we’d be on space ships and living like The Jetsons by now.

      They need to get on with the virtual reality games, though.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my gosh, my childhood summed up in one little post. I can’t believe how much I can relate to all that. We bridged the gap between the Blockbuster and the Netflix generation, between the no computer use and the internet eras. The gap between cassette and VCR tapes to the all digital eras. Between the phones with cords and big dials to everyone just using their cellphones for their homephones. We are the ones that are bridges between two huge eras.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We ARE! We’re young enough to have gotten the hang of new technology pretty quickly, but old enough to remember never having any technology with us when we left the house.

      Funny, it seems like all the old futuristic shows pictured us living in space colonies, but the space program really didn’t get as far as they were expecting. Instead, it was more of an info-access & communication revolution. I remember never expecting the mobile phone deal to catch on, lol.

      And now they sell all those old VCR tapes in thrift stores for a quarter. I guess some people must still have VCR’s. They just said NO, I’m DONE keeping up…


      1. I know. As many things as Back to the Future got right (which was the gold standard of the day for predicting what the future would be like), they sure got the flying cars wrong and the others got the space thing wrong. I guess the Milleniums were to lazy to go to space and were more interested in technology that made selfies easier.

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  4. As a late millennial, I can relate to a lot of these things. I remember when the internet was all fields! The world seemed a simpler, kinder and more innocent place back then, but I guess every generation sees their youth through rose-tinted glasses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true- people have been nostalgic about their childhoods for ages, probably since the dawn of time. There are pros and cons to every era and the Millennials will undoubtedly be writing articles like this soon, lol.

      I suppose you could relate to a lot of this too (since I’m a late X). The internet definitely changed quickly and smart phones rapidly developed but they weren’t out all that long ago. There was that flip phone texting for a while, an art the next generation will have never heard of.


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